
"Your incredibly insightful, detailed, and kind feedback is proving to be far superior to any other advice/critique I've received on my nascent experiments in writing thus far. Thank you so much for your generous and piercingly insightful words."
Madhurika, 2021
"I also appreciate you taking so much time and effort into helping me work on this story! It's rare to find editors giving personalized feedback and it's very welcome and appreciated!"
Nickolas, 2021
"...thank you for seeing something in the initial version and giving me those notes, they really made me think about the story in a new way!"
Kasey Szavai, author of "The Golden-Antlered Doe" Issue 2
"I reflected on, and made, the changes you suggested -- particularly at the end of the story -- and I think the changes made it stronger. Thanks again for your comments. 'Carmen' has always been one of my favorite stories, but I think it is now also one of my best."
Matias Travieso-Diaz, author of "Carmen" Issue 3
"Thanks for the constructive criticism. It's thoughtful and on point. And when I make revisions, it will be with your feedback in mind."
Sharon, 2020
"Thank you so much for the very in-depth and helpful feedback. I am very appreciative of you devoting your valuable time to helping me improve my work. "
Ryan, 2020
We believe the best way to improve your writing (and your chances of getting published!) is to receive feedback on your work. One of our editors will email you a one-page set of questions, comments, suggestions, and things she liked most about your piece.
We've added a few new options for feedback submissions:
--$5: a list of general questions to improve your piece sent to you within a month.
--$15: a one-page critique with praise, things to improve and questions to consider sent
to you within two weeks.
--$30: a one-page critique with praise, things to improve, questions to consider and
line edits sent to you within two weeks.
Please send one fiction or nonfiction story per feedback request, each up to 4,000 words. Once you hear back from one of our editors, you may send another piece.
We are now offering feedback submissions during and between reading periods.
You are welcome to submit an edited piece, but please note that we do not guarantee publication.
To get feedback, fill out one of the forms, and then copy and paste your entire submission in the box below. Follow the prompts for payment. If you do not hear from us within a month, please check your Spam folder before contacting us to inquire.
We look forward to reading your beautiful work!
$5 feedback includes:
a list of general questions to improve your piece.
response time is one month.
$15 feedback includes:
one-page critique with praise, things to improve and questions to consider.
response time is 2 weeks.
$30 feedback includes:
one-page critique with praise, things to improve, questions to consider and line edits.
response time is 2 weeks.