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homage to the owl we hit driving home from the memorial art gallery


Art on Sidewalk

i look up & there you are,

wingspread in the road,

swooping down on some small prey.


the passenger cries stop, stop, stop!

don't you realize we're going to hit it?

but we don’t realize

until it is too late & we are past.


something shatters in the car after that.

it is too dark to see if some miracle

has saved your feathered life,

if the scream alerted you—


if you flew away, chasing

some other mouse, living

some other life that doesn’t end

with you left


majestic in your flight,

great & terrible in your brokenness.

Genevieve Hartman is a Korean American poet and reviewer based in upstate New York. She is the Social Media & Outreach Coordinator at Adi Magazine and an Art Editor for Gasher Journal. Her writing has been published or is forthcoming in The Rumpus, EcoTheo, River Mouth Review, Stone Canoe, and others. Follow her on Instagram at @gena_hartman, on Twitter at @gena_hartman1, or find her at

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