Flat on sun-beat boulders, body sagging
Melting heavily onto grey glistening rock
Iguana, you give sense to gravity
Horned face, with glum, inscrutable grin
Tiny bulging eyes wrapped in a bracelet of scales
Staring out, unmoving, anchoring my gaze
A line of spikes along your spine and tail
Some bent over, hot wilting armour
Legs, pudgy like a baby’s, end in long black claws
You are one, unique, then I look again
Dotted along the shore, lying in the sun, you are many
Legion, waiting to be washed and cooled by white frothing wave
You lay your head on one another – a clump, a tangle, of nine, ten, eleven
Social reptiles, sharing warmth scale to scale
I had not imagined you so
A monster twice your size, an adult iguana, beige and spitting
Rears up, head shaking in anger or simply mad
Black iguanas, I thought asleep, scurry off – cautious children
The giant scatters the small, head shaking and bobbing
Squirting liquid from its nostrils - not flames, just water
This dragon of the Galapagos
There is no nervous laughter, not like when
Grandad came to stay, still fighting the war, his
Make-believe battle that might just be real
Giant - you mad intruder, lunatic uncle let loose, or
Fed-up father gone around the bend
Offspring scattering in your path
You reptiles are social anti-social creatures
Like us
I had not imagined you so
Patrick ten Brink is an environmentalist, writer and freelance art critic, who grew up in Germany, Australia, Japan and England, studied in the UK, France and Mexico, and lives in Belgium. His fiction includes Amelia Borgiotti (in Coffin Bell), The Carp and the Magpie (Night Picnic Press), My Secret (Beyond Words), Ersatz (101 Words) and The Double Bass Player on Bus 71 will come out this summer (in Beyond Words). Poems include: Zen Garden, Kyoto (Dreamers Creative Writing 2018 Haiku competition) and Koyasan Cemetery (Maya’s Micros, The Closed Eye Open). He is also a freelance journalist and art critic, with reviews appearing regularly in Travel Tomorrow. Instagram: patricktenbrink10). X: @PtenBrinkAuthor.