Editorial Team
Editor in Chief Amanda Marrero
Nonfiction Editor Alexandra “Allie” Cunningham
Poetry Consultant Randel McCraw Helms
Art Editor Jessica Winston
Blog Post Editor Joelle Wilson
Welcome to the debut of Honeyguide Literary Magazine.
We are still astounded by the overwhelming support and well-wishes of fellow writers and animal enthusiasts around the world.
Home was a common theme in our minds as we narrowed down the hundreds of submissions to the ones here. Of what does it consist? Who populates it? What can potentially destroy it?
Home is a dangerous place to some, becoming even more so during COVID shutdowns and civil unrest. For others, their homes thrived, blossoming into all they were meant to be. And between the two, there are many ordinary stories, with ordinary thrills, fears, struggles and dreams.
We’ve entered a novel era, when honesty, representation, clarity, and a new understanding of
hope are finally being cherished and held in high esteem. We on the editing team know the world through two avenues: art (literary and visual) and conversation. We sensed the same spirit in these contributors – a humble effort to comprehend and discuss their misgivings, griefs, confusion, discoveries, and hopes in story, poetry, and visual art.
I am absolutely delighted to share these works with you all. I hope you enjoy them as much as we have.
Happy reading,
Amanda Marrero and the Honeyguide Team

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