June 2021
Issue 2

Thank you for supporting our magazine. We are so grateful to the community of animal enthusiasts and readers who help keep our work alive. Your creativity, passion, and generosity have astounded us, and we are so eager to continue publishing art and writing that speaks to the animal-lover soul.
It was an absolute joy reading the submissions for our second issue. Myth, fantasy, and speculative fiction are dear to the Honeyguide team, and each submission invited us to see mythical creatures differently. Every contributor was playful and imaginative. So many times, we forget to play as adults, but we so often do as writers, artists, and believers in magic.
A common thread binds these pieces together: discovering wonder and using it as a call to action. It is necessary to reflect on the unknown, but it is another to act upon it. By allowing the unknown to inspire us, our eyes can be opened to the larger world around us, and we can be humbled by the fact that we cannot know and understand everything. We humans are not the ones in control, and when we embrace this, we discover how many ways of being are available to us in this life.
These stories, poems, art, and nonfiction pieces reminded us that between the blurred lines of reality and fantasy, knowledge and naivety, and the logical and (seemingly) absurd, there is a new form of clarity. From this new place, we can find out who and where we are meant to be.
Happy reading,
Amanda Marrero and the Honeyguide Team