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TLDR; I’m the Bitch.



The dog had the zoomies.
The dog huffed and s
Neezed, trying to play with the woman.

              The man watched and walked away. He spOke as he walked away, loud and disruptive.

The dog flinched but kept on trying to play.

              The man was away but he spoke again, repeating, loud and disruptive.

The dog looked and was tempted to follow the man. The dog ignored the man, the dog really just wanted to play with the woman.

               The man was away but he spoke again, repeating, loud and disruptive.

The dog yapped at the man. The dOg huffed and sneezed, louder, at the woman. The dog really just wanted to play, still.

                                                        The man walked back up to the dog and the woman, louder and more disruptive. He had a stick.

The dog yapped.
The woman tried to soothe the dog.

                                                         The maN repeated. He waved the stick.

The dog yappEd.
The woman tried to soothe the dog.

The dog yapped.

                            The man repeated. Loud and disruptive.

                                                         He wAved the stick.

                            The man repeated. The man repeated. The man repeated.
loud loud loud loud loud loud loud loud loud loud loud loud loud loud So loud

                                                                                                                            and disruptive. 

                                                         The man repeated.

                                                                                                He waved the sticK.
















                                 Loud and disruptive.                                 Loud and disruptive. 

The man repeated. He waved the stick.

                                                         Loud and disruptive.

                                                                       The man repeated. He waved the stick. 

                                                          Loud and disruptive. 

The woman tried to soothe the dog.

The dog kept yapping.

The Woman walked away.

                  THe man screamed and got

closer. The dog Yapped louder.

               With voice and stick, the man nagged and badgered.

The dog growled.

               With voice and stick, the man nagged and badgered.

The dog growled louder.

               With voice and stick, the man nagged and badgered.

               The dog barked and snapped its jaws and bared its teeth, with no intention of biting.

The man now spoke, repeating, loud and disruptive, now walking away. The man was smiling.

                                                                                                                 The dog barked and barked.

The woman came back and tried to soothe the dog with pets and belly rubs.

The dog didn’t want pets nor belly rubs. The dog didn’t want to play anymore.

The dog didn’t have the zoomies now.
The woman softly scolded the dog for barking.

The dog yapped and huffed and sneezed a bit.

The dog drank water, whining a bit.
The dog chewed on its squeaky toys, whining a bit.

The woman scolded the man for teasing the dog.
THE MAN told the woman that the dog had barked at him, and that that was bad.

The man said he would hit the dog if it barked again at him.
The man said he would get the dog in his car and drop it off in the middle of nowhere.

ThE dog heArd but the dog went to SleEp, whining a bit.

TLDR; I’m the bitch.

Satish Pendharkar is a resident of Navi Mumbai in India. His short stories have been published by The Shine Journal, Flash, Bangalore Review etc. He has published a novella named The Backrush of Mem- ory.

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