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The Wolves Share Hunting Tips


Pushcart Nominee

Image by Thomas Bonometti





brother wear the coat with thick fur

warm enough to keep out

the empty chill of space

black and bright as the night sky

and sister wear yours of bright gold

over your shoulders feel your desire 

for the light to crack 

crescendoing down your back

stalk your prey

across the stars

leaping over them

like celestial stepping stones

run to the edge of the horizon

keep your head down 

ears flat be like a whisper

in the long grass

howl and strike

tear the silver wings of the Moon

see Her limping ahead

winking out

climb the sunbeam

snap your jaws

at the Sun’s horses

snap their bones with your teeth

when Ragnarök finally

finally comes

take your first bite

make the sky run red

blot out the Sun

swallow the Moon whole

Kyla Neufeld is a poet based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, where she’s the copy editor of Mythos & Ink Publishing. These two poems are from her “Field Guide to Norse Mythology” series, which explore the stories of lesser-known creatures from Norse mythology. Other poems from this series have appeared in The Goose, Rune Bear, and Vallum Magazine.

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